
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Casebearer nut entry update June 7th

  Pecan nut casebearer has begun attacking nuts in SE Kansas. On June 6th, Tom Circle found the first signs of larval feeding in his grove near Strauss, KS. On June 7th, we searched over 500 nut clusters and found only one cluster with signs of nut entry at the research station near Chetopa. Because of the extreme heat we've been experiencing, the development of this year's pecan nut casebearer population may be fast. But at this point, we are going to continue scouting until we record at least 2% damage.
    Pecan nut casebearer damage is easily recognized by the pile of frass at the base of a nut and the white webbing that expends from nut to stem (photo above).