
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spring fertilization

   After the flood waters receded and all the in-field puddles dried up, we decided to spread some fertilizer today (photo above). We usually apply nutrients in mid March when we notice outer scale split  but decided to wait until after a predicted wet period that had the potential to cause flash flooding. I'm so glad we did. With the cost of urea at $660/ton, we needed to make sure our trees received the nutrients instead of just washing away down river to Grand Lake.
   This year, bud break came early and we are applying fertilizer later than normal (most native trees are slowing swelling buds). We applied the same amounts of fertilizer as last year: 150 lbs. of urea per acre (69 lbs N/ac) and 100 lbs of potash per acre (60 lbs K/ac). The cost of this application, including spreader rent, turned out to be $80.66 per acre. That's a $18.16 per acre increase over last Spring's fertilizer application. Despite the price increase, regular fertilizer application remains the best investment you can make for your trees.