
Monday, September 30, 2013

Pecan cultivars that matured by September 30

Canton, 30 Sept. 2013
     I spent this afternoon checking on the development of our 2013 pecan crop. This week I found some additional early-ripening cultivars with split shucks. Most of these are cultivars that have originated as seedling selections for northern pecan states. Two are USDA introductions. Osage is a USDA cultivar with very early ripening but can be injured by cold winter temperature. USDA 64-11-17 is early ripening but is not consistently productive and I would not recommend it further propagation.
    Cultivars I found ripe since last week are pictured at right and below.

Goosepond, 30 Sept. 2013

Lucas, 30 Sept. 2013

Norton, 30 Sept. 2013

Osage, 30 Sept. 2013

Shepherd, 30 Sept. 2013

USDA 64-11-17, 30 Sept. 2013