Monday, August 10, 2015

Mid-summer pecan cultivar evaluation

    Last week, I pulled nut samples from 14 pecan cultivars to get a quick assessment of performance for the first half of 2015. I was most interested in disease susceptibility but also I wanted to check on nut development during the first week of August. My observations are listed next to the photo of each cultivar and a cross section view of a nut (so you can see kernel development). The cultivars are presented in alphabetical order.
Faith (6 Aug. 2015)
  1. Light level of scab following 2 fungicide applications in June.
  2. Medium to heavy crop load
  3. Nut development at 1/2 water stage

Gardner (6 Aug. 2015)

  1. Light scab follow 2 fungicide applications in June.
  2. Nut development at 3/4 water stage.
  3. Moderate crop load

Giles (6 Aug. 2105)
  1. Light scab following 2 scab sprays in June.
    Medium to full crop load.
    Nut development at 1/4 water stage.

Hark (6 Aug. 2015)

  1. No scab, received a single fungicide application with casebearer spray.
  2. Light crop on young tree.
  3. Kernel at 3/4 water stage.


Kanza (6 Aug. 2105)
  1. No scab, clean shucks. Received a fungicide with casebearer spray in early June.
    Medium to heavy crop load.
    Kernel  development at 3/4 water stage. 


Mandan (6 Aug. 2015)
  1. Scab and powdery mildew on shucks following 2 fungicide applications in June.
  2. Moderate crop load.
  3. Kernel between 1/2 and 3/4 water stage.
  4. Shell more narrow at the base.

Mullahy (6 Aug. 2015)

  1. Serious scab with a single scab spray with casebearer spray in early June.
  2. Light crop on young tree.
  3. Kernel at full water stage. 

Norton (6 Aug. 2015)
  1. Clean shucks with 2 fungicide applications in June
  2. Moderate crop.
  3. Kernel at full water stage.
  4. Heavy shell and similar nut shape makes Norton the scab-free version of Colby. 

Osage (6 Aug. 2015)
  1. No scab but susceptible to powdery mildew
  2. Moderate crop load
  3. Kernels at full water stage

Peruque (6 Aug. 2015)
  1. Severe scab after a single scab spray in early June.
  2. Scab has reduced nut size.
  3. Kernel at 3/4 water stage.
  4. Moderate crop load.

Surecrop (6 Aug. 2015)
  1. No disease following 2 fungicide applications in June.
  2. Very light crop load.
  3. Kernel at 1/2 water stage. 

USDA 64-11-17 (6 Aug. 2015)
USDA 64-11-17
  1. Moderate scab following 2 scab sprays in June.
  2. Heavy crop load.
  3. Kernel  approaching 3/4 water stage.
  4. Nut tapered at the base. 


USDA 75-8-5 (6 Aug. 2015)
USDA 75-8-5
  1. No scab visible after  2 fungicide applications in June.
  2. Heavy crop on young tree (crop load enough to reduce kernel quality).
  3. Kernel at 3/4 water stage.

Warren 346 (6 Aug. 2015)
  1. No scab but powdery mildew on shucks
  2. Very light crop
  3. Kernels at full water