Kanza, 1 October 2018 |
On the first day of October I found three cultivars on my farm with split shucks. The first cultivar I checked was Kanza (photo at right). When Kanza splits shuck, the green shucks just barely pull open. Kanza will remain held in these green and split shucks until a hard freeze kills the all green tissues. Once the shucks are killed, Kanza finally opens up fully and the nut can be easily shaken free.
Hark, 1 October 2018 |
Hark was also ripe by October 1 (photo below, right). Hark mimics Kanza in how shucks barely split open then remain green and closely cupping the pecan. I first noticed this type of shuck opening years ago on the old northern pecan cultivar, Major. Both Kanza and Hark have Major parentage.
Jayhawk, 1 October 2018 |
The final pecan I found ripe today was Jayhawk (photo below right). Jayhawk is a Giles seedling but has the advantage of pecan scab resistance. Unfortunately, Jayhawk produces pecans with
mottled kernels which is the reason that I have only one Jayhawk tree on my farm.